Many in our community struggle with fulfilling their basic needs!

Basic ammenities like food, shelter, clothing & medical attention remain of reach of millions of individuals that they cannot participate in sharing the joy of the many seasons we celebrate and take for granted.


Access to good healthcare can save around 16,000 lives every week.

Better Education

Give a gift that last a lifetime by helping under-proviledged children reach incredible milestones.


Since 1999 Compassion Without Boarders has donated clothing to the homeless on 5th and Crocker in downtown Los Angeles.


The water supply has come under increasing pressure due migration to urban areas.


No one can thrive on an empty stomach. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, 54 million people may face hunger in the U.S.


Through contributions of our volunteers, we strive to reduce the carbon footprint of the greater Los Angeles.

Resolve to change lives all year long.

This year, join a community of people giving food, clothing, shelter & clean water every month. 100% helps families in need.

0 %
100% of your donation will bring food, clothing, shelter, healthcare & clean water to people in need
0 M
combined volunteer hours in service of the community.
Lives saved every week due to good healthcare
0 $
and you can give a child access to education
water projects we have funded

Compassion Without Boarder Food Drive

$5,175 of $20,000 raised
Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Donation Total: $100.00

Interested In Becoming A Sponsor?

Give monthly, and you’ll become a part of The Movement; a passionate community invested in a world where everyone has food, clothing, shelter, education, healthcare & access to clean water.

100% of your money brings food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, books & clean water to people in need.

Private donors cover our operating costs, so you can give knowing your whole gift will touch the lives of communities around the country.

We rely on the generosity of corporate and private sponsors to help us achieve our goals.

Here are current operation and program spending breakdown.

Farming & Food Self-sufficiency 77%
Advocacy 65%
Scholarship 85%
Clothing & Shelter Drive 71%